E-Mail: johnwwalton@hotmail.co.uk

Monday 28 June 2010

*NEW* Everyday Life Commentary

Ok, so I uploaded a brand new (ish) commentary onto YouTube from the Everyday Life episode, "Memories". Commented on by myself and Richard Betts - not much get's said in terms of information, but it's worth checking out :)

You can view it here!

Sunday 27 June 2010

Bigfoot: A Real Species

Well the question is this; how can we say something with so much evidence cannot outright exist. I have been watching a lot of documentaries on YouTube recently and am fascinated by the evidence gathered.

The Discovery Channel broadcast a show (the link to which I will provide) which states that "There are over 400 credible Bigfoot sightings a year" [1]. This is merely the start of a documentary which really cements the credibility of an unknown species of North American ape.

Looking first of all at footprints, and particularly at the distribution of footprint size, two experts have come up with some interesting conclusions. One, a man who works for a CSI team who examine the fingerprints and other skin detail of the footprint plaster casts concluded that they were genuine, non-human and unlike any ape he has ever examined. Bare in mind that if you watch the whole documentary, you will learn that he has examined plenty in his time.[2]

The second expert looked at the difference in footprint sizes, hoping to find either a staggered and random set of results (indicating a fake) or a bell-curve (which indicates a natural graph of a living species). He found the footprint sizes documented made a very decent bell curve. [2]

Then we must take into acount the Patterson-Gimlin Film [3] which, after numerous experts examined it, seems to have a very high chance of being authentic. There is apparent muscle movemtn beneath the skin and fur, the right thigh appears to be carrying what some experts describe as a hernia!

Also as, the expert describes, the bigfoot in the film is clearly female as it has a pair of very distinct breasts; why would Patterson construct an already difficult, if not impossible suit with breasts when Bigfoot reports have been predominantly male? [4]

Everything from the gait, the proportions and the aesthetic of creature apparently points to it being of natural origins and non-synthetic. Why, then, should it be so hard to believe that Bigfoot really DO exist? I'll leave you to watch the evidence as gathered in the below bibliography and make up your own minds about whether it is likely that North America is, indeed, home to the legendary Sasquatch.

[1] Documentary, Part 1 of 5
[2]Documentary, Part 5 of 5
[3]The Patterson-Gimlin Film
[4]Analysing the Patterson-Gimlin Film

Life is Good!

It's fucking hot, isn't it!

With the obscenities and general heat-related comments out of the way, let's get the funk on with this weeks blog! (See what I did there ;) ). So, I'm attempting to re-do Halo 3 on Legendary, and it's not going too bad now i've defeated the virtual beast that is Tsavo Highway!

On a less geeky note, ive done NOTHING else to Moonlight over Cretlin because - and here's my great excuse - I can't be arsed! Seriously, I know it will just lag out and i'll be angry for twenty minutes, so I'll leave that for a day when i'm REALLY happy!

In other news, I've resigned my position as Admin at Stalkers Ranch, but that doesn't effect you guys so ya...


Currently listening to David Bowie and waiting for England V Germany! Shit's gonna go down one way or another in that game!

Sunday 20 June 2010

Moonlight over Cretlin: New Trailer

New trailer up for Moonlight over Cretlin. Check it out:
Moonlight over Cretlin | Official Trailer #2
Peace out for now, guys!

Wednesday 9 June 2010

General Updates

Essentially, this is a confession: I have been really fucking lazy recently.
And this isn't the regular dose of the CBA's. I have literally done nothing on "Moonlight over Cretlin" to further the state of production...I literally fail harder than an empty roll of toilet paper. However, now I am inspired, and have some rather brilliant updates to hand over to you; and only one of them concerns MoC!

So, to get that one out of the way: work begins on the next scene tomorrow for "Moonlight over Cretlin" - so that will leave only three or four scenes left to shoot and edit! Then you will be able to watch the most epic machinima I have ever made...I really hope it doesn't suck.

Secondly, I am going to make an Everyday Life movie after season three has ended. I said I wouldn't, but I am. So yeah, be on the lookout for that sometime in 2011.

And that's it...okay, so they weren't epic updates as such, but neither was the third Jurassic Park film (and I pride myself with the knowledge that I can never fail as much as that film!). So, all the best and i'll update again soon!


Saturday 5 June 2010

And Thus Ends Chapter One...

Hey followers
I know I haven't written in a while, but it's being pretty chaotic around here. I've just finished my first year of Uni, and thus have had a lot of assingments and an exam. Plus, with Moonlight over Cretlin, parties and life in general, I haven't found much time to update this blog.

But I'm back now, and things are going well! I'll write with more important soon, gang!