E-Mail: johnwwalton@hotmail.co.uk

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Revision for a Test

Why is it so hard to revise for this phase test when, previously, I have done so well during my attempts at revision? Simply put, because this information is completely obvious and there is a complete and total pair of moronic football fanatics talking as loudly as possible behind me, despite being in a 'quiet area' of the library.

It wouldn't be so bad if there were fresh and interesting elements thus far to my revision slides, but no; they are all equally as boring and wearisome as a sloth's daily routine! Someone please bring me a couple of strips of duct tape and rope to gag these two incessant ignoramuses and I might be able to happily go about my business!

EDIT: He has just screamed "Yes!" at the top of his voice, presumably because he has just achieved a magnificent orgasm watching the legs of his 'favorite' footballs get all sweaty! Might just have to shoot him.

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