E-Mail: johnwwalton@hotmail.co.uk

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Novels, Nights Out and Suits...

So, it turns out that my goal of attracting a girl at last nights' party was not to be. I had everything I needed: suited up, alcohol and I enttered with three very beautiful girls. Shame that all the girls at the party were taken, really!

Never mind, as the poem goes; "The best laid schemes of mice and men, often go askew". Plenty more oppertunities to try before Christmas...although, I might need to get my suit cleaned - there is white powder all up one side of it, and it looks like I fell into a giant bag of cocaine!

In other news, I've begun writing a book! Based on my amateur machinima 'Resort of Horrors', the as-of-yet unnamed book is little more than a 2,000 word prologue. However, it is starting to sound good, I think. Here's a little snippet for yourselve to judge:

"“Thank you, Thomas” Daniels smiled at the reassuring look on Farley’s face. In the distance, thunder rumbled loudly once more. This time the earth seemed to shake a little. Above the men’s heads, the lights swung back and forth slightly, skewing the shadows almost unnoticeably." - Prologue

Let me know what you think in a comment! Until next time, guys!

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