E-Mail: johnwwalton@hotmail.co.uk

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Moonlight over Cretlin: Poster

The promotional poster for Moonlight over Cretlin

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Looking Back: 2009

So, as we creep ever nearer to the inevitable dawning of 2010, I find it pertinent to look back and reflect upon what sort of year 2009 has been.
Obviously, the year has been arguably the single worst twelve months of my life for every reason listed in 'the book'. Firstly, relationships. I've split up with two girlfriends this year, been messed around, lied to and led on by somany women this year I'm only able to reason that I must be either troll-like in appearance (very likely) or simply a loser (likelier still). The particular pinnacle of my relationships with women this year was the four weeks I spent at home, broken and suffering from severe anxiety, because someone I trusted with all my heart decided they'd abuse me physically and metally for as long as they could get away with whilst my emotions were running haywire from losing Richard.

The saddest time of my life, let alone year.

It is strange to think that we are incapable of comprehending just how much pain one can go through from losing someone until you actually go through it. In many ways, I don't think it will ever stop hurting, yet in others I know that thereis comfort to be found.He is at peace and no longer suffering, and I know that one of the most treasured possessions I have now are the memories we shared.

Academia is pretty much the highlight of my year (bar mathematics, which just blows as usual). Did really well in my A Levels and got my place at De Montfort (epic win), and I'm determined to beat Student Finance, no matter what.

So, my overall impressions? A really poor year for my emotions, but in terms of finding my inner strength and ability to just plow through and get on with my life, not to cast aside, but to acknowledge and remember where deserved (<3). Really, my big comfort this year comes in the form of my friends and family, without whom I really don't know how I could have seen my way through 2009. And so, to al lof my friends I say a resounding thank you - I love you with all of my heart :)

A Little Bit of Everything

So, here's the deal. A lot of shit has been going on recently regarding videos and, indeed, life in general. To begin, let me make it very clear that Peligro and Broken have both been canceled indefinitely. For reasons, go to my YouTube channel and watch the announcement (12,12,2009).

Instead, I'm concentrating on Zoo Life and Moonlight over Cretlin.

In other news, I got the results back from my Mathematics phase test - I failed by one fucking mark! Wouldn't have minded somuch if it was buy, like, twenty marks but one. Single. Mark.

Oh well, I suppose it'd just a case of learning and trying harder next time.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

University Mathematics Worries

Okay, so here's the deal. I'm doing very well in most of my modules at University: Photoshop, Multimedia and Animation Production, etc. The trouble is, the one area which has been my universal downfall, mathematics, is the one segment of my University course which looks set to kick me not in the teeth (for that would not nearly be harsh enough) but the soft, dangly bits that I call my knackers.

I need to get 40% overall in my maths module, which doesn't sound like a lot - but this is me. The man who, on his first day at school, asked the teacher if 3 X 3 was 33! Now we are being asked to complete Logarithms, complex Algebraic formulas and, God forbid, searching for the square root of things (something that, even in name, has always scared the living s**t out of me!

So there you have it. No machinima or live action film updates today - just the warbling fears of a man who, far from being a mathematician, is doomed to fail his test in less than 24 hours time. Don't bother wishing me luck: why waste it on me when there are people out there who could actually use said good will constructively and successfully?


Saturday, 5 December 2009

Zoo Life 2: Update

Against all my fears of disaster and ruin, my latest machinima, Zoo Life, was a roaring success! For those of you whp haven't seen it, visit my Youtube channel (the link can be found in the 'Useful Links' section) and check it out. To pen a brief synopsis, Zoo Life is a comedy sketch show based around the terrible A.I and remarkable aspects of the game Zoo Tycoon 2. The characters include a duo of lazy workers, a multi-phobic Zoo Keeper and and an Entertainer who is convicne he is the reincarnation of Michael Jackson!

Such was the success of Zoo Life, I have decided to create a sequel: Zoo Life 2! This will bring back all the old characters, and introduce a couple of new ones:

  • God - the cursor
  • Dino Rescue Squadron Alpha - the team who are terrified of dinosaurs.

That's all for this update, but please check back regularly for more!

Friday, 4 December 2009

"Everyday Life: Live"

It is a strange thing to think that, a little over a year ago, I had never even thought up the idea for the web series 'Everyday Life', and yet I sit here, now, typing some splendid news with three seasons and a special under my belt. What is this news, you may ask?

We at Walton Films are planning a live - yes, live - show!

The plot will center around the characters of John and Vannessa. Here is the plot synopsis thus far:

"John and Vannessa Walton are mother and son. John is unlucky in love, very random and has no idea how to fit into society, whereas Vannessa simply doesn't try to fit in - instead spending her days making her son's life more difficult and trying to break into the music scene.

This very special live show will chronicle John's attempts to find a girlfriend, and Vannessa's rise to fame as a proffessional singer (sort of!)."

The show is currently in pre - production, with script ideas undergoing development, and location scouting for a venue to begin as soon as writing has been completed. We also plan to hold auditions early next year, planning for the show to be, well, shown, at the end of 2010.

Now, a few details:

- The show will be a 15 +, due to crude language and sexual references.
- There will be a £2 admission fee, of which 100% will go to charity

More details will be released closer to the time, so watch this space!

To become a fan of Everyday Life: Live on Facebook, go here
To become part of the growing group for Everyday Life, visit this Facebook page.

That's all for this post, please take care!
John Walton