E-Mail: johnwwalton@hotmail.co.uk

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Writing A Project Report

If there was ever a picture to sum up how I'm feeling right now, this is it. I mean, granted, I've not mysteriously transformed into a woman, but I do share her expression: The head perched apathetically upon the hand, the eyes staring away into the distance; hoping upon hope that somewhere out there, someone is feeling the same as I. She doesn't look frustrated or angry - she doesn't even look depressed or stressed - but what she does look is fed up. Fed up of having to write a report which, let's face it, she's probably only written the title for.

And I can empathise with the poor woman.

Right now, I'm meant to be writing up a ten thousand word report for a project which, for one, I'm not particularly proud of, nor which contains any substantial 'new research', by which I mean "I knew it all already". On paper, I could potentially make it sound enthralling: the daring and devious Bone Wars fought by two opposing palaeontologists. Edward Cope, the notorious womanizer and underhanded swine versus Othniel Marsh, the terrifying to look at, but really quite withdrawn 'classic' scientist. Yet, this feud between two once-great-friends-turned-Anakin-and-Obi-Wan takes up less than a minute of my product. Plus, how in depth could I go into the Bone Wars in a report anyway? Here lies another problem: What exactly am I supposed to write?

As far as guidance goes, we've received a decent amount of advice. The problem is, none of it makes any sense - the explanation of what the report should look like and contain is more complex than what the actual report should look like. For goodness sake; if you're going to write up a guide, at least make it easy to follow! And so we return to the picture.

I'm not angry, I'm not stressed. I'm apathetic. I don't know what odds and sods I'll end up jamming into my report (much like a two year old tries to jam a star-shaped piece of plastic into a triangular-shaped hole), so maybe I'll write about the Bone Wars after all.